Meet Emma


Hello and welcome to Supercharged Club. I'm Emma, a leader in exercise for the modern women. People call me the Miss Motivator of female fitness. With the current exercise trend being all about insanity type fast paced workouts and training to constantly out do your last training session with personal bests…its no wonder that we feel like like worn out zombies rather than powerful wonder women!

The keep going, keep pushing, do more, no pain no gain fitness speak is detrimental to our health, both mentally, physically and spiritually.

I'm here to change the way women move, think and feel.

I'm proud to lead my pack of women differently. A new way in which women get stronger, work out consistently, get the results and also do it in a way which honours their fucking amazing bodies.  Consistency is key to changing shape and getting stronger, but as a woman with hormones and therefore energy dips and highs, what consistency means is different for everyone.

It’s time to get more intuitive in the way you train.  The hard way, fast paced way obviously hasn’t worked.  It’s time to train like a woman!

I say it all the time...“We don’t need to train like a man and live like a man to prove we are strong.”

Men and women aren’t the same and many of the exercise programmes are written for youngsters…young men at that!

My mission is changing lives, changing minds, changing bodies.  I'm empowering women with a new way to exercise, one that isn’t about personal bests or going faster or harder, instead it's an easier way, a way in which women honour our monthly cycle, a way in which she is clapped for resting.

This new way Supercharges your energy, your confidence and your motivation like never before.

The Emma way gets results!

My goal is changing the way women see exercise.  Exercise so you age well, get that ageless body, a body that can play tag with the grandkids, a body that’s able to bend down and tie shoelaces late into your 70's, a body that is strong and powerful and can jump, lift, pull, push, run, climb and do the monkey bars at the park.

Our bodies are morphing into the shape of a chair as we have never been so sedentary as a nation. We have all the tools, the fitness apps, the gadgets, the data recordings…yet we are getting more and more unhealthy.

When your WHY is to look good in a bikini or lose body fat you will always find motivating yourself to exercise a lot harder.  But when you change that mindset to focusing on the strength and mental wellbeing aspect you will find you are more consistent and at ease and start following a daily exercise regime.

Exercise so that you lose that laptop user posture and sedentary lifestyle hunch and instead gain power, resilience and strength in mind, body and soul.  Exercise for fun, exercise out of respect for that wonderful body – your only home.  When your body feels weak and unfit then your whole life is harder.

I am leading women to be stronger than ever with less pushing through pain, less going hard and more honouring their unique hormone cycle, where rest isn’t classed as falling off track and instead is looked upon as a strength builder.

We are all "Wonder Women" and I am passionate about training to honour a women’s hormone cycle, training around your energy and flow really is one of the most powerful ways a woman can gain more energy.

My approach helps you build a better foundation for life, stronger more confident, more focused on self-care and really understanding your female body.  This little Miss Motivator is all about women gaining self-acceptance and self-worth in order to break free from rigid exercise programmes and instead learn how exercise really can be fun, quick and easy whilst still strengthening and increasing your fitness levels.

Women have been astonished by how they are now exercising less but feel more energised. They are shocked at how 15 minute workouts are shaping them up more than an hour’s HIIT training session.

They love, love, love the shorter at home style morning workouts!


With my daily mindset as an additional extra following my live workouts, women are becoming their own cheerleaders in their health – they no longer need a sweaty gym class and a personal trainer barking at them to push on through! Motivation comes when you turn your “should's” into “I want to do this.”

Mine is a NEW way and a way that’s proved time and time again that it works. My way is a way that empowers women into loving exercise again, supporting each and every one of my clients and getting to know everyone on my membership programmes personally. I offer free coaching calls when you need a little helping hand and provide so much additional training and mindset work that is impossible to get with any digital device or App.

When we think of exercise as only a means for weight loss, we lose out on the fun journey of getting a stronger body and it supporting our mental wellbeing.

Imagine if your goal for exercise was more about ageing in health and living in an ageless body. Yes, caring for your health needs consistency and discipline…but that may be different exercises and programmes to what you think you need.

What your body needs can change - especially as a woman. As we age, it's not about exercising hard anymore, it's about exercising smart and that taking time off is productive and very much needed. My 15 minute daily exercise enables you to fit it in, enables you to gain strength, shape up, feel better mentally and the biggest thing is allowing you to rest like a woman should! 

The way forward for busy women to fit exercise in is from home, with a “real” woman that encourages you to train around your female cycle and does exercises that help you balance, strengthen, sculpt and mobilise and lengthen your amazing body. Come on a journey with me, get connected not only to me but to a tribe of other amazing women, all supporting each other on their personal fitness journey's.

If you'd like to chat and find out more, then please get in touch, either drop me an email [email protected] or book a discovery call using the link on the home page

Emma x


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