Join my monthly subscription Facebook group and get access to me LIVE in your living room!
✨ 3 day FREE trial before payment is made. Once you have paid you can cancel anytime with a full months notice. Why not give it a go! You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!
✨ Daily LIVE 15 minute workouts (Mon - Sat) You don't need to do them live and to get you started I advise doing just a few minutes a week!
Yes, it's that easy.
✨ Nutrition advice. Peri-menopause support, pelvic floor health and more
✨ Motivation from myself and the community. I am active in the group daily to be your personal cheerleader as well as provide personalised advice on any issues.
✨ FIT mind training and daily affirmations to keep you on track with your personal self development and mental wellbeing
✨ Community support from like-minded women
✨ Access to a vast catalogue of video content
- Exercise videos including mobility, upper body, core, weights and HIIT
- Fit Mind content including daily rituals, self love, sex and more
All this for just £1 a day and I’ll help you every step of the way
Terms & Conditions:
This site offers health and fitness advice. None of this information should be a substitute for professional advice from your healthcare provider. Always consult your doctor before embarking on a new health and fitness regime.
Exercise is at own risk. Make sure to do your own warm up and cool down before/after each session. Don't exercise if injured or feeling unwell.
Make sure you have had your 6-8 week postnatal check before exercising. Consult your GP if you feel unwell due to the exercise. Always start slowly and build up and modify as instructed.
Supercharged Club accepts no liability for injury incurred whilst participating in live or recorded video content.
Please note: Minimum subscription term for monthly membership is 2 months
Cancellation Policy:
If you are injured or unwell and unable to exercise, please contact Emma. Requests to pause membership will be dealt with on a discretionary basis.
I agree to not share any pictures of you or your family without written consent. I may use your images and I may use your words. Any reference to names will be deleted.
All content in this group is not to be shared. The programme and its content are for paying customers only.
If you have a friend that is interested then please ask them to contact me
[email protected] by sharing this information with others you maybe liable if they become unwell and you are breaking the terms of this agreement.
Facebook group rules:
Please only post uplifting posts, if you are struggling reach out for help but try not to sound negative.
If you are really finding it a challenge then reach out to me and book a 121 Zoom call. Where we can go over your individual needs. Sessions 121 with Emma are chargeable.
Please allow me 12 hours to answer any emails and posts.
If you ask a question and I feel it is answered in a unit already then I will direct you towards that video/file content.